
I am an energy medicine practitioner and massage therapist with over twenty five years of experience specializing in healing injuries caused by physical trauma and chronic long term pain.

I follow a long line of ancient Hawaiian healers apprenticing with Auntie Kahili-Opua Wong-Brentlinger, a high priestess of a two thousand year old lineage. I have a gifted ability to sense pain as an energetic vibration in my hands, and in the tradition of the lineage I pass the pain as negative energy through myself to the earth. The advantage of this means that I am able to locate areas of pain quickly and precisely in order to effectively apply energy work incorporating lomi-lomi, shiatsu, and deep tissue massage.

Physical pain is body’s way of non-verbally communicating to one’s consciousness to refrain from using a part of the body to prevent further injury. Therefore, pain is not bad, but a necessary valuable part of one’s being to alert impairment. The body in its innate wisdom protects itself by creating an energy field which one feels as pain to immobilize the affected muscles with knots and tension. However, this process continues beyond its usefulness after the tissues are healed and no longer needs to be guarded. Simply put, removing this energy eliminates the pain. When energy work is combined with massage, the synergy of this approach yields results that are long lasting and require less treatments.



Contact Carey

Home office in Hawi


By calling this number and booking a massage, you agree to our cancellation policy which you can read here. If you do not agree with the policy, do not book a session.

If this is the first session on an injury claim please call or text our main office at 808-557-8807 to set up your file before you call the therapist to make an appointment.