
My sessions are based on Craniosacral Therapy, ‘through gentle touch finding deep relaxation’. In Craniosacral Therapy we gently access areas where physical or emotional blocks begin to release, making contact with deeper structures within. It is a place where the body is activated in its self-healing capacity, where cell memories are touched and where deep relaxation is found.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach. It releases tensions deep in the body and relieves pain and dysfunction. It improves whole-body health and performance. Using a soft touch, practitioners release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. CST enhances the body’s natural capacity for healing.

Genevieve Keola Brunet (1970) has been practicing bodywork since 1998. She started out with rebalancing massage and chairmassage. In 2004 she became interested in Craniosacral Therapy and she started her training in CST. After feeling and noticing the immense possibilities of this powerful therapy, she completed the whole education in 6 years and specialized in Craniosacral Therapy. She has been practising this deep work ever since. Having moved from Europe to Hawaii 4 years ago, she became a Licensed Massage Therapist as well for the State of Hawaii. Genevieve is a licensed Craniosacral Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), Mindfulness Trainer, Clinical Health psychologist and instructor in the Gurdjieff movements.



Contact Genevieve

Home office in Ocean View


By calling this number and booking a massage, you agree to our cancellation policy which you can read here. If you do not agree with the policy, do not book a session.

If this is the first session on an injury claim please call our main office at 808-557-8807 to set up your file before you call the therapist to make an appointment.